We are forever inspired by our growing community of family, friends, and followers that spread the joy of winter and embody the spirit of adventure. We are committed to authentic relationships with folks who rely on functional, durable, and quality outdoor gear.
If you’re snow-loving, play positive, and gear curious, we invite you to apply to the Gordini Collective!
- You value quality gear that keeps you outside longer!
- You are a passionate skier, rider, runner, hiker, biker, and/or outdoor enthusiast that fancies themselves a gear junkie too.
- You are a social media butterfly that loves interacting with your community online and IRL, and sharing your journey, experiences, learnings, and tips along the way!
- You are a creative swiss army knife that consistently produces original and inspired content!
- You are a community leader, activist, artist, environmentalist, and/or all around super quality human.
- You are authentic and inclusive!
Get exclusive updates on our latest products, innovations, and events. As a brand ambassador, you’ll get the first look at our newest releases and the chance to provide feedback before anyone else.
Enjoy gear testing and special discount offers reserved just for our Collective members.
Join the magic of the Gordini mission – to keep you outside longer! Gain access to our design and development processes and learn about the craftsmanship and technology that go into creating your favorite Gordini gear.
Join a community of fellow adventurers who share your authentic spirit and love for the outdoors. Exchange tips, share your adventures, and build lasting friendships with us!
Get invited to brand and industry events, parties, and/or adventures! See you there!
If you are interested in joining our program for 2025, join the waitlist by filling out the form below! Please note that submission responses can take up to 2-3 weeks for processing.
- Fill Out the Application Form below: Click the link below to complete our quick and easy application form. We want to get to know you and understand why you’re passionate about Gordini.
- Share Your Story: Tell us about your favorite Gordini gear, your most memorable adventures, and why you’re excited to join the Gordini Collective.
- Join the Conversation: Follow us on social media and use #GordiniCollective to share your experiences and connect with other members.
We value your passion and dedication to the Gordini brand. In return, we promise to continue delivering the highest quality products and unparalleled experiences that inspire your adventures. Together, we can push the boundaries of what’s possible and help keep you outside - doing the thing you love – longer!
Join us today and become an essential part of the Gordini gLove story!
